In this course, information is given about the human anatomy and functional working principles of the musculoskeletal systems related to the physiotherapy profession. The aim of this course is to give detailed information about the general anatomy of the extremities and the skeletal, joint, muscle and neurovascular structures of the body. Information about the anatomy of organ systems in the human body is given.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to;
have information about the terminology of anatomy.
describe function of musculetal system and nervous system
acquire knowledge of anatomy that will lay the groundwork for clinical studies.
explain movement how occour in human body while using physical assessment
explain the differences of abnormal anatomical structures from normal anatomical structures.
describe morphology and functions of the body systems
describe, identify and locate muscle attachments, nerve supply, and primary actions of muscles in the body per region
describe the relationship of structures in the body to one another:(arteries/veins/nerves/muscle layers/compartments/regions)
Face to Face
L. Bikem SÜZEN
Prof. Dr.
2. baskı
Güneş kitabevi
S. Tuna Karahan
Prof. Dr.
1. baskı
Güneş kitabevi
1. Açıklamalı İnsan Anatomisi Atlası Prof Dr. Mehmet Yıldırım,
2. İnsan Anatomisi Atlası, Netter F., Meserret Cumhur
Theoretical lectures(Lecture), Study time for Theoretical Lectures (Lecture), Assignments, Question & Answer, Team/Group Work, Midterm(s), Final exam
Does not require consent
In this course, physiotherapy technician profession related to human anatomy and musculoskeletal systems are given information about the functional working principles.
It is aimed to gain basic locomotor system knowledge, especially bone, muscle and joint structures of the whole body and extremities.
Course Content
Introduction to movement system. General Information about Osteology.
Locomotor system- Upper extremity - bones
Locomotor system -Upper extremity-muscles
Locomotor system- Lower extremity- bones
Locomotor system -Lower extremity-muscles
Locomotor system- Body Muscles and Bones
Midterm exam
Locomotor system- Head and Neck
Locomotor system- Circulatory and Lymphatic system
1. explain the symptoms of common disease / health problems related to physical therapy and rehabilitation.
2. provides the postural suitability of exercises performed under the supervision of a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist or physiotherapist.
3. prepare patients who are referred for treatment in the most ergonomically comfortable position.
4. know the job descriptions of the physicians in the physical therapy and rehabilitation team, and provide cooperation.
5. apply appropriate electrotherapy modalities in the common diseases / health problems in their fields.
6. participate in health promotion programs in physiotherapy applications.
7. take necessary precautions in terms of patient and worker safety during the physiotherapy process.
Any test, assignment, paper, or report submitted by you and that has your name on it is presumed to be your own original work that has not previously been submitted for credit in another course or has not been written partially or completely by another person. In all of your assignments, you may use words or ideas written by other individuals in publications, web sites, or other sources, but only with proper attribution as explained in your course. If you are not clear about the expectations for completing an assignment or taking a test or examination, be sure to seek clarification from your instructor. Finally, you should keep in mind that as a member of the campus community, you are expected to demonstrate integrity in all of your academic endeavors and will be evaluated on your own merits.. The consequences of cheating and academic dishonesty is a formal discipline punishment as regulated by the Turkish Higher Educational Council.
Educational Support for Disabled Students
If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and Bilgi Accessible Education Unit as early as possible in the term. Bilgi Accessible Education Unit will verify your disability and determine reasonable accommodations for this course. For more information, visit