Course Information

ART 308 : History and Theory of Exhibition

AcademicYear Course Code Course Name Year of Study Offered semester ECTS Theory+Practice (Hour)
2024-2025 ART 308 History and Theory of Exhibition Year III Fall Only 6 3+0
Course work load : 153 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Bachelor's Degree
Derya Yücel, Faculty Member, PhD (Fall)
The course explores the history of the idea of ‘exhibition’ and the evolution of the theories and practices of exhibition making. It provides an overview of display and presentation of artworks from the 19th century until today by focusing on the changing nature (and the future) of exhibitions. The course aims to reveal perspectives and the ideology of exhibitions and displays through the art history, theory of exhibitions, and curatorial studies. It has an approach to frame the history of exhibitions and art institutions within the wider socio-political and historical processes, such as nation building, colonialism, universalism, decolonization, globalization, climate crisis and the pandemic crisis.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to;
  1. know the historical development of the exhibition and curatorial practices as well as art institutions and different actors
  2. demonstrate a theoretical, historiographic, and professional understanding of the discipline of exhibition making and curatorial studies
  3. use art historical perspectives to analyze the historical and theoretical basis of current debates about exhibitions
  4. recognize and understand major exhibition formats, methods and theories, and be able to assess the qualities of exhibitions in their historical, architectural and cultural settings
  5. interpret and apply primary and secondary sources relevant to research questions about exhibition history and theory
  6. experience a team work that demonstrates their critical thinking and presentation skills through verbal, written, and discursive exercises.
Fully Online
Will be announced during the class.
Theoretical lectures(Lecture), Study time for Theoretical Lectures (Lecture), Study time for In-class practice (Class), Screening, Report Preparation and/or Presentation, Midterm(s)
Does not require consent
Attendance and participation are important for the final evaluation of the course. Commitment of the students to enroll the second term of the course is mandatory for the term enrollment.

Course Content

Introduction, description of the course and the syllabus, meeting with the students. Presentation and Discussion: What is an exhibition?
History of Exhibition-making and Theory of Art Collection: From Wunderkammer of the 16th Century to the Art Museum of the 21st century Class Debate: MoMA in New York or Centre Pompidou in Paris?
Field Trip to Arter Dolapdere Conversation on Arter’s collection and its display Presentation: History and Future of the İstanbul Museum of Painting and Sculpture
Reign of the Curator and History of Conceptual Group Exhibitions Örnekler / Case Studies: Herald Szeemann, When Attitudes Become Form, Kunsthalle Bern, 1969 & Jean-Hubert Martin, Magiciens de la Terre, Centre Pompidou, 1989 Presentation: Santral Istanbul, Modern and Beyond exhibition, 2007
Globalisation and the City: The Biennial Phenomenon Case Studies: La Biennale di Venezia, Documenta, Biennials in Turkey Presentation: Manifesta: An attempt of a nomad biennial in Europe (1994-2020)
Field trip to the Pera Museum hosting the 5th Istanbul Design Biennial Presentation: Curatorial History of the Istanbul Biennial exhibitions
Midterm exams
Exhibition or Art Show? Commercial exhibitions from the World Expos of the 19th Century to the rise of global art fairs and galleries Presentation: History of Art Basel and evolution of display models (1970-2020)
Field Trip to an artfair or a building of galleries in Istanbul Presentation: Exhibitions and galleries at Contemporary Istanbul
How many exhibitions can you make for the same artist? Theory of Solo Exhibitions, Artist Surveys and Retrospectives Presentation: Different Solos, Duos and Retrospectives of Fahrelnissa Zeid in Turkey and abroad 2006-2020
Field Trip to Istanbul Modern for the solo exhibition to be announced Presentation: Yüksel Arslan Retrospective and its catalogue at Santral Istanbul, 2009
Art everywhere: Displaying Art in the Public Sphere, City and Nature Presentation: Münster Sculpture Project, 1977-2017
Experiences beyond Looking: Interacting with the Printed Matter, Performance, Sound, Immersive Art, etc. Field Trip Bilsart & PerformIstanbul and other independent art spaces in Beyoğlu Presentation: Exhibitions at TATE Tirbune Hall
Online exhibitions and displaying art in the digital sphere. Presentation: Digital Exhibitions of Museum without Walls by British Council
Evaluation of the course
Final exams
Final exams
Assesment Methods And Criteria Quantity Percentage (%)
Report Preparation and/or Presentation 1 20
Midterm(s) 2 80
Total (%) 100

Program List

Arts and Cultural Management | Curriculum | Prerequisites / Conditions Graph

Offered In Elective Lists

Course List for Exchange Students - All
Course List for Exchange Students - English

Program Learning Outcomes

F = FullP = PartialN = None

 Program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Arts and Cultural Management P P F N N N P

Course Curriculum Map

M = MasterD = DevelopI = IntroduceN = None
Program Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the programs will be able to;
1. Design, manage and assess multiparty projects and activities by assembling knowledge and experience of different expertise in arts and cultural production, distribution and consumption processes.
2. Take part in the management of a variety of arts and cultural organizations, give consultancy to these institutions and lead the working subgroups.
3. Compose and apply event management, communication plan, audience development, sponsorship, communication and marketing activities to arts and cultural events and institutions.
4. Select and use fundamental criticism methods to analyse the effects of cultural policies, products, events and managerial strategies on local, national and international arts and cultural environment.
5. Review and recognize the agents, tendencies and debates in the arts and cultural scene both in Turkey and the world and use vital resources to update their current knowledge accordingly.
6. Evaluate the structure and working dynamics of institutions and organizations of art markets such as auction houses, art galleries and biennials from a critical, analytical and aesthetic perspective.
7. Produce and design arts and cultural projects/institutions and spaces through their knowledge of art history, contemporary art, city, finance and law.
 Program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Arts and Cultural Management D D M N N N D

Academic Integrity

Any test, assignment, paper, or report submitted by you and that has your name on it is presumed to be your own original work that has not previously been submitted for credit in another course or has not been written partially or completely by another person. In all of your assignments, you may use words or ideas written by other individuals in publications, web sites, or other sources, but only with proper attribution as explained in your course. If you are not clear about the expectations for completing an assignment or taking a test or examination, be sure to seek clarification from your instructor. Finally, you should keep in mind that as a member of the campus community, you are expected to demonstrate integrity in all of your academic endeavors and will be evaluated on your own merits.. The consequences of cheating and academic dishonesty is a formal discipline punishment as regulated by the Turkish Higher Educational Council.

Educational Support for Disabled Students

If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and Bilgi Accessible Education Unit as early as possible in the term. Bilgi Accessible Education Unit will verify your disability and determine reasonable accommodations for this course. For more information, visit
5/31/2024 6:26:50 AM
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