Course Information

CUL 407 : Sustainability and Food Legislation

AcademicYear Course Code Course Name Year of Study Offered semester ECTS Theory+Practice (Hour)
2024-2025 CUL 407 Sustainability and Food Legislation Year IV Fall Only 6 3+0
Course work load : 153 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Bachelor's Degree
Reyhan Selin Uysal Afacan, Faculty Member, PhD (Fall)
This course is an introduction to how Global Agriculture and Sustainability issues are at the intersection ofnatural resource management and business. The course will devote a significant of time covering the fundamental principles of agribusiness and how sustainability issues are key factors in business decision making today and in the future.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to;
  1. Will have the knowledge of Turkish legal environment in hospitality sector
  2. Types of companies (advantages and disadvantages) / documents / regulations
  3. will have the knowledge of municipalities / fire department / ministry of agriculture / police
  4. will have the knowledge of sustainability & economic dimensions of sustainability
  5. Will have the knowledge of carbon footprint & Sustainable agriculture and food
Fully Online
Restriction : THM 412
10 Principles of Food Industry Sustainability20 Mar 2015 by Cheryl J. Baldwin
Theoretical lectures(Lecture), Study time for Theoretical Lectures (Lecture), Midterm(s), Study time for midterm(s), Final exam, Study time for final exam
Requires consent of instructor for non-departmental students
Course Requirements For each class, you will be expected to: 1. Access the daily content in Blackboard. 2. Read text assignments, lectures and any supplemental materials provided. 3. Participate in discussions in a meaningful and collegial way. 4. Turn in any assignments by assigned due dates. 5. Check your Bilgi email daily.

Course Content

Introduction to course & syllabus
Feasibility & logistics Quest Speaker from industry
Turkish Legal Environment in hospitality Sector
Types of companies (advantages and disadvantages)
Documents / regulations & municipality
Fire department / police & Ministry of food, agriculture and livestock
Introduction to sustainability & what is sustainable development
Economic dimensions of sustainability
Sustainability from social perspective
Sustainable agriculture and food
Carbon footprint & climate change
Measuring sustainability
Final Exam
Final Exam
Assesment Methods And Criteria Quantity Percentage (%)
Project 1 15
Midterm(s) 1 35
Final exam 1 50
Total (%) 100

Program List

Gastronomy and Culinary Arts | Curriculum | Prerequisites / Conditions Graph

Offered In Elective Lists

Course List for Exchange Students - All
Course List for Exchange Students - English
JUS Full List

Program Learning Outcomes

F = FullP = PartialN = None

 Program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Gastronomy and Culinary Arts N N N P N P P

Course Curriculum Map

M = MasterD = DevelopI = IntroduceN = None
Program Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the programs will be able to;
1. Knows the scientific, cultural, social, and ethical values related to gastronomy.
2. Utilizes international current technologies, information systems, and practices related to gastronomy.
3. Applies classical and modern cooking techniques in the field of culinary arts.
4. Draws upon other disciplines such as food science, business management, and design in their work.
5. Evaluates the impacts of communication, culture, and societal relations on food culture.
6. Integrates regulations related to gastronomy, occupational safety rules, and environmental policies into their work.
7. Can manage fundamental processes such as establishment, menu engineering, human resources, purchasing and supply, and finance in the food and beverage industry.
 Program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Gastronomy and Culinary Arts D N N M D M D

Academic Integrity

Any test, assignment, paper, or report submitted by you and that has your name on it is presumed to be your own original work that has not previously been submitted for credit in another course or has not been written partially or completely by another person. In all of your assignments, you may use words or ideas written by other individuals in publications, web sites, or other sources, but only with proper attribution as explained in your course. If you are not clear about the expectations for completing an assignment or taking a test or examination, be sure to seek clarification from your instructor. Finally, you should keep in mind that as a member of the campus community, you are expected to demonstrate integrity in all of your academic endeavors and will be evaluated on your own merits.. The consequences of cheating and academic dishonesty is a formal discipline punishment as regulated by the Turkish Higher Educational Council.

Educational Support for Disabled Students

If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and Bilgi Accessible Education Unit as early as possible in the term. Bilgi Accessible Education Unit will verify your disability and determine reasonable accommodations for this course. For more information, visit
5/31/2024 6:26:52 AM
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