Course Catalog

ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Consent :
Course Description
The course will begin with an explanation of the general principles of company law and distinctive features of companies regulated by the Turkish Commercial Code. Following this introduction, the establishment, functioning and termination of joint stock companies will be examined in detail. A second track in the same course will cover the law of negotiable instruments.
Core in Curriculum
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Consent :
Course Description
The law of civil procedure is a branch of the law which regulates the enforcement of the rights of individuals under civil law, in the event that they are violated. The individual has a claim to his/her legal rights through a procedure known as a 'trial' in the state courts. Civil procedure law regulates the courts' structure, the trial, the status of the plaintiff and the defendant, filing the lawsuit.
Core in Curriculum
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Special Condition :
Consent :
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Course Description
The internet is one of the most significant consequences of developments in information technology. Today, the internet pervades individuals' lives. Furthermore, there are increasing numbers of transactions concluded via the internet in the international as well as the national arena. The principles and manner concerning the settlement of disputes arising out of these cyber-transactions are the subject of this course. The legal nature of the institutions that are encountered in the cyber environment stands as a challenge. In this course, the digital and electronic signature as an outcome of the internet, as well as the effects of electronic money on the monetary policies of governments and other issues such as domain names, e-commerce and related payment methods, are studied from a legal perspective.
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Consent :
Course Description
The aim of the course is to give students a better understanding of the notion of the state, the modern world's dominant political organization. In this course, the concept of the state and its relevant components, i.e., sovereignty, power and authority, will be elaborated upon. Such a study has two dimensions: comparing the state to non-state political organizations and contrasting different approaches (historical, anthropological and legal) to the theory of state.
Core in Curriculum
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Course Description
This course concerns contemporary topics and problems of antitrust law theory and practice. Today competition law faces with novel problems arising from the expansion of the information technology industries and digital markets. As social networks, internet-platforms and technology companies grow and expand rapidly, there is an urgent need to create a sound economic balance between promoting innovation and maintaining competition in the market place. The new concepts of digital era; big data, two sided markets and new forms of MCN clauses, have been increasingly occupying the agenda of antitrust agencies and professionals. On the other hand, the question of how to better tackle with the traditional anti-competitive behaviour such as cartelization has still remained unanswered alongside the everlasting discussion regarding the ultimate goals of antitrust policy. Accordingly, the main purpose of this course is to instruct the students on the contemporary problems surrounding today’s antitrust law practice. Nevertheless, in order to understand the underlying interests creating these problems, students will also be acquainted with the orthodox concepts and notions of antitrust laws. To this end, instructors of this course, Assoc. Prof. Kerem Cem Sanlı and Att. Şahin Ardıyok will analyze the US and the EU competition law practice in comparative perspective. The course does not have a prerequisite. It is open to all interested students. However, this course is structured as a complementary course of Competition Law course (Law 450) that is offered to third year students; therefore, a basic knowledge of competition law would be helpful. Language of the course is Turkish.
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Consent :
Course Description
Public finance covers types of revenue as well as methods of acquisition and of expenditure in the provision of public services. The main issues of the course are public revenues, public expenses, budgets, finance policy and public debt. Turkey's candidacy for the European Union has put strong pressure on the process of harmonization of Turkish public finance with European Union legislation. This issue is another focus of the course.
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Consent :
Course Description
The fundamental principles of tax law will be covered primarily as part of this course. After the basics of tax law, the following issues will be analysed and discussed in detail: General provisions regarding all types of taxes within the Turkish Tax Law system, the legal order to which a taxpayer will be subject to from the beginning of the tax till its payment, the rights and responsibilities of a taxpayer, the audit of a taxpayer, rules of fighting tax loss and tax evasion, tax crimes and sanctions and how to avoid them, tax enforcement law and general principles regarding the justice system.
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :51 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Consent :
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Special Condition :
Consent :
Course Description
This course covers the relationship between urban planning and personal property, the areas of responsibility for local administration and central administration, the practice of nationalization of private lands and privatization of public lands, the protection of natural and cultural entities, touristic and organized industrial regions and the new criteria required by the adaptation process to the European Union.
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :127 hour(s) + 30 minute(s)
Special Condition :
Consent :
Course Description
The aim of this course is to introduce students to the crimes prescribed in Turkish Criminal Code and in other codes.The special provisions concern types of crimes classified according to their subject matter. Within this course, the general theory of the special provisions will be introduced and international crimes, crimes against persons and crimes against the reliability of the public administration and its functioning will be examined.
Core in Curriculum
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Special Condition :
Consent :
Course Description
The course will focus on various types of consumer contracts. Particular emphasis will be on consumer sales agreements, promotional sales, installment sales and consumer credit agreements. In addition, consumer protection against unfair contract terms, product liability, door to door and distance contracts, time share and package travel contracts will also be studied. A comparison of the laws of different European countries and the EU Directive for Consumer Protection will be included in the course.
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Course Description
Forensic medicine is a branch of science which applies medical knowledge to the purpose of the law: hence its limits are, on the one hand, the requirements of the law and on the other, the entire range of medicine. Forensic medicine has been of great help to the judiciary, particularly in criminal and civil law cases. Anatomy, physiology, surgery, chemistry and physics lend their aid as necessity arises and in some cases all these branches of science are required to enable a court of law to arrive at a proper conclusion on a contested question affecting life or property.
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Consent :
Course Description
The course, started in 2003 at BİLGİ, remains a rare example of a course being taught in a prison setting anywhere in the world. This course aims to empower vulnerable persons through the provision of legal information relevant to their lives by law students. In this course, for nine weeks students teach convicts and those detained for trial in women's and men's prisons in İstanbul. In taking this course, students have the opportunity to view the law through the eyes of those who live it and develop first-hand experience regarding prisons while also developing skills such as teaching with interactive methods, speaking in public and responding to spontaneous questions.
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Special Condition :
Consent :
Course Description
The course, started in 2003 at BİLGİ, remains a rare example of a course being taught in a prison setting anywhere in the world. This course aims to empower vulnerable persons through the provision of legal information relevant to their lives by law students. In this course, for nine weeks students teach convicts and those detained for trial in women's and men's prisons in İstanbul. In taking this course, students have the opportunity to view the law through the eyes of those who live it and develop first-hand experience regarding prisons while also developing skills such as teaching with interactive methods, speaking in public and responding to spontaneous questions.
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Course Description
The development in information and communication and its diffusion to all areas of human life has also affected the governments all over the world. Today, there is a shift in the classic public service understanding of the governments by means of the opportunities that information technologies have offered. These innovations force the classic concept of “government” and its structure. As a matter of fact, the concepts of e-Government and Mobile Government that we hear a lot about recently indicate the model for this new government. In the scope of this course, the evolution of the government concept that electronization has caused and the efforts on this evolution will be explained by the government agents in person. No doubt, the e-transformation observed in the government has its legal facets, its effects on our legal life will be discussed in the context of this course.
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Prerequisite(s) :
Consent :
Course Description
The aim of this course is to introduce students to the essential concepts of financial markets, particularly capital markets in the light of securities regulations. This course will deal with publicly held corporations, instruments and institutions of the capital market, capital market transactions such as portfolio management, underwriting, investments consultation, auditing of corporations, tender offer and takeover, stock exchanges, disclosure and capital market crimes such as insider trading and manipulation.
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Course Description
This course aims to explain and discuss the correction period which starts with the conviction of the defendant by the criminal court. The major topics will include the regulations regarding correctional facilities, the rights of prisoners and the parole release period.
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Consent :
Course Description
The course deals with the different legal aspects of maritime commerce. As one of the oldest activities of trade, the law of carriage of goods by sea which governs such activity has always been of an international character. Although it is categorized as a branch of commercial law, maritime law includes many separate and distinctive features. The ownership of seagoing vessels, ship registry, mutual liabilities of carriers and shippers, ship liens and mortgages, the limitation of ship-owners' liability and carriers' liability in respect of environmental damage are the main issues covered in this course.The explanations will be made under the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 that has been entered into force as of 1/7/2012
Core in Curriculum
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Consent :
Course Description
The course basically concentrates on the different types of insurance coverage available on the market. The subject of the course may be defined as the legal aspects of insuring risks and liabilities. It aims to provide a basic understanding of the general principles of insurance contracts under Turkish law. Issues such as the legal nature of insurance contracts, insured values and mutual liabilities of the insurers and the insured persons are covered.Explanations will be given under Turkish Commercial Code, No. 6102, that has been entered into force as of 1/7/2012
Core in Curriculum
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Course Description
Nowadays, the number of foreign investments in Turkey has been increasing, as well as Turkish investors have realized several important investments in foreign countries. Thus, the protection of foreign investments has become important. Foreign investments have been protected due to local laws and bilateral or multilateral investment agreements. In this course, the concept of investment in the legal sense of bilateral and multilateral investment treaties ratified by Turkey as well as Turkish Act on the Protection of Direct Foreign Investment, the concept of foreign investor, his rights and its protection should be treated. Furthermore, the dispute settlement methods, especially ICSID arbitration, will also be analyzed.
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Course Description
It is easy to observe the increasing significance of sports and sports events in our daily lives. The legal aspect of sports is becoming more important every day. This is due largely to growing professionalization, side effects such as hooliganism and violence which spread beyond playing fields, and the nationwide and international effects of sports events. Also, the enlarging sports economy, taking the peculiarities of sports law into account, makes the expertise on this field substantial in transactions of a sporting nature. This course will initially provide the participants with information on the economical and sociological dimensions of sports. The characteristics of sports business and the role of the media will be described. Following this introduction, the law of sports, the regulations on or related to sports, and the resolution of disputes arising from sports shall be discussed.
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Recommended for exchange students
Course Description
This course aims at exploring both the private law and the public law issues applicable to international trade relations. The first and public law part of the course will focus on the main treaties regulating international trade as embodied in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the World Trade Organization, as well as regional trade entities such as the European Union and the North American Free Trade Agreement. This part will examine the law applicable to tariff and non-tariff barriers, discrimination, regionalism, anti-dumping duties, countervailing duties, safeguard measures and the devices for international settlement of trade disputes. The second and private law part will deal with the key rules in international commercial transactions. To achieve this aim, the course will cover the fundamental characteristics of international sales of goods and essential contracts for the financing of trading activities, transportation of goods to their place of destination, settlement of disputes, and methods of payment in international commercial transactions.
Core in Curriculum
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Course Description
The course will focus on contemporary international criminal law as applied by national and international courts. In the first part of the course, the fundamental principles of international criminal law, like non bis in idem, legality and personal guilt, will be discussed. In the second part, the emphasis will be placed on crimes against the international community as described in national and international legal texts, as well as the perspective of creating a common criminal law of the European Communities. The third part of the course will concern methods of international legal cooperation in criminal investigation and procedure, as well as extradition.
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Consent :
Course Description
As a subordinated work relation, not only parties to the contract but also mandatory rules determine the content of employment relationship. This course of Employment Law focuses mainly on the relations between employers and employees in the context of the individual employment relationship. The legal structure of the employment contract, the basic principles of employment law, employee's rights and obligations and the termination of the employment contract will be examined.
Core in Curriculum
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Consent :
Course Description
Applied Law Clinic course aims the contribution of law faculty students to persons belonging to disadvantageous groups in society in terms of access to justice. During the course the students develop skills such as interviewing and writing legal opinions. Students are first introduced to effective listening and communication skills to enable them to conduct good interviews, while also discussing ethical issues in legal matters.
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Special Condition :
Consent :
Course Description
Students that took the Law 425 course in the first semester are allowed to contact with the persons who seek information from the Applied Law Clinic. Students are expected to write legal memoranda on the particular problem, to discuss it with the lecturers and to explain the possible legal remedies. Students are supposed to meet with the applicants to give legal information about the problem in a way the person can understand. Within the scope of the course students will receive cases in different aspects of law.
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Consent :
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Special Condition :
Consent :
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Consent :
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