Course Catalog

ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :153 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Restriction :
Consent :
Recommended for exchange students
Course Description
The aim of the course is to provide students with an understanding of the business environment and the basics of business life. At the completion of the course, students should have a knowledge of the nature of organizations as systems, understand the environment within which the business undertakings take place, gain an understanding of different business functions such as marketing, finance and human resources management, the principles and methods which govern business decisions and their solutions, and be able to critically analyze and evaluate business-related problems within and outside the organization.
Core in Curriculum
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :153 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Restriction :
Consent :
Recommended for exchange students
Course Description
The purpose of this course is to provide students with an introduction to principles and practices in entrepreneurship, which is now considered as a career choice in the globalized and interconnected business world. This course defines entrepreneurship within the context of opportunity recognition, innovative thinking, competitive perspective development, risk taking, role modeling, canvas model and business planning. During the course, business people who are the founders of many start-ups are invited to the course so that they share their experiences, stories of success and failure which will give students some direction to achieving success in entrepreneurship.
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :178 hour(s) + 30 minute(s)
Available for undergraduate students
Course Description
Tarihsel perspektifte etik ve sorumluluk kavramları, etik kuramlar ve gerçek yaşam pratikleriyle olan bağlantısı, sürdürülebilirlik ve işletme pratikleri, kurumsal vatandaşlık, paydaşlar, sürdürülebilirlik odaklı kurumsal strateji, ekonomik/sosyal/çevresel etki, raporlama ve denetim, uluslararası belgeler ve standartlar.
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :153 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Recommended for exchange students
Course Description
FROM INVENTION TO INNOVATION (A brief history of technology, invention and the future of innovation) • Dear Students welcome to our course! From Invention to Innovation course is designed to help students to make a successful career in business world. Students will learn digital transformation, industry 4.0, design thinking, creative design, product development and commercialization, artificial intelligence (AI), internet of things (IoT), blockchain, cryptocurrencies, e-commerce and digital marketing. This is also an orientation course for expats and foreign students who want to make a career and work in Turkey. • This course also focuses on history of technology, innovation and philosophy of technology. All topics are taught in a simple and easy to understand manner: What is technology & innovation and how they shaped human mind since prehistoric times? • The course will give an overview on the relationship between technology, invention & nature. We shall answer questions like how modern technology changed our world, and how will it shape our future. As for course benefits: DIGITAL FUTURE, CAREER AND LEADERSHIP • In the first part of the course students will learn how to make a digital career; they will see future professions and future world. This way they will become visionary leaders and successful managers of future companies and organizations. They will learn how to start their own business and how to accelerate it. • Mathematics, business economy, fashion design and architecture students will also benefit from this course as it focuses on how to learn new ideas, rather than simply providing preset information. Students will learn the importance of critical thinking, and they will develop their own sound ideas and express their opinion freely. They will use design thinking for creative design, product development and innovation. • With this course students from all departments will know how to separate the facts from post-truth superstition and propaganda. They will know how to check facts with empirical approach and they will express their ideas in an articulated and orderly manner. This way they will achieve success in their career and become digital leaders of future organizations. COURSE TOPICS • In the 2nd part of the course students will see R&D, rapid prototyping, product development and product commercialization topics. They will learn about entrepreneurship, startups and digital leadership. • In this part we will analyze new internet business models like 3D printing, e-commerce, Bitcoin-Blockhain-Cryptocurrencies, social media & sharing economy (Uber, Tesla, Facebook) and will give an overview on emerging professions to build a new career. • The 3rd part of the course will focus on artificial intelligence and we shall answer questions like: What is artificial intelligence? Will robots enslave humanity or cause large scale unemployment? Lastly we will analyze the future of humanity: Cyborgs, transhumans (technological supermen), anti-aging, immortality, super intelligence, is universe a simulation, and colonization of solar system. • In short students will learn about future tech and business. They will gain new skills and competencies to achieve success. COURSE SYSTEM AND READING LIST • From Invention to Innovation is 3 hours per week. 1 hour is face to face, 2 hours is online (Bilgi Learn / Blackboard virtual classroom). Reading list and source materials will be provided both in English and Turkish (videos, blog posts and peer reviewed journal articles). Course level is popular science. Syllabus is updated at each term with new developments in science, technology, disruptive trends and business life. • Regular attendants will get bonus grades. Announcements will be made thru Bilgi Learn e-mail announcement system. We have a Facebook and Whatsapp group (attendance is mandatory). In order to prepare for visa and final exams we do extra sessions. Kind regards!
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Course Description
Organizasyonlarının işleyişi ve bu işleyiş içerisinde yöneticilerin kullandıkları süreçlerin neler olduğunun incelenmesi ve ileride işlenecek sektörel derslerde havayolu işletmelerinin yönetim ve işleyiş yapısına ait altyapı sağlanması amaçlamaktadır.
Core in Curriculum
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :127 hour(s) + 30 minute(s)
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :127 hour(s) + 30 minute(s)
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :127 hour(s) + 30 minute(s)
Course Description
Genel Muhasebe Dersi'nde; Muhasebe'ye ilişkin temel bilgiler; işletmelerde muhasebenin önemi; muhasebe ile ilgili taraflar, temel bilanço eşitliği; gelir tablosu kalemleri ve tek düzen muhasebe sistemi çerçevesinde temel muhasebe uygulamaları ele alınacaktır.
Core in Curriculum
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :76 hour(s) + 30 minute(s)
Consent :
Except students from following programme
Civil Aviation Cabin Services , Civil Aviation Cabin Services (Evening Education)
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :127 hour(s) + 30 minute(s)
Course Description
Sivil havacılığın tarihsel sürecini,sivil havacılık faaliyetlerini,havaalanı genel bilgisini,uluslararası sivil havacılık anlaşmalarını,uluslararası sivil havacılık örgütlerini,ulusal sivil havacılık kurum ve kuruluşlarnıı,Türkiye'de Hava Taşımacılığı'nı içermektedir.
Core in Curriculum
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :127 hour(s) + 30 minute(s)
Course Description
Havacılık işletmelerinin sürekliliğini sağlamak ve emniyet kültürü oluşturmak amacıyla işletmelerin ulusal ve uluslararası mevzuatlara uyum sağlayabilmesi için gerekli faaliyetlerin öğretilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Mevzuatlara uyum sağlayabilmek için gerekli olan kavramların, prosedürlerin, politikaların, organizasyon yapısının öğretilmesi amaçlanmaktadır.
Core in Curriculum
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :153 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Course Description
Sivil Havacılık faaliyetleri kapsamında yaşanmış olay, kırım, kaza ve krizlerin; uygulanan iş modelleri ve stratejilerin; teknolojik gelişmelere bağlı olarak yürütülen faaliyetlerin; ulusal ve uluslararası havacılık otoritelerinin yapmış olduğu düzenlemelerin, sivil havacılığa etkilerinin örnek olaylar üzerinden incelenmesi, analiz edilmesi ve yorumlanmasını içerir.
Core in Curriculum
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :102 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Course Description
This course provides a systematic and thorough introduction to all aspects of project management in sport. Projects are an increasingly important aspect of modern sport business, so course begins with the relation between projects and the strategic goals of the organization. It is following by discussing the technical, cultural, and interpersonal skills necessary to successfully manage projects from start to finish.
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :153 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Recommended for exchange students
Course Description
The course aims to give an understanding of the scope and complexity of the tourism industry. Tourism industry and its components are defined; such as transportation, accommodation, travel industry, IT firms, banks, financial institutions. Emphasis is given on integrated international tourism firms. The structure and organization of international tourism industry is outlined. The course also includes the following subjects: History of travel and tourism; types of tourism; tourism demand and supply; nature of tourism industry; economic, social and cultural aspects of tourism; sustainable tourism; tourism policy, planning and development; future trends in global tourism.
Core in Curriculum
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :153 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Consent :
Recommended for exchange students
Course Description
This course will serve as a forum for the discussion of tourism policy issues, examination of the role of the tourist, the tourism manager, and the host community. Since global tourism is a dynamic phenomenon, influenced by global events and tourism demand therefore the topics covered in this course may change according to current events or issues.
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :153 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Restriction :
Recommended for exchange students
Course Description
This course aims to provide a survey of the field of business management to students with little or no business background. The role of business organizations in contemporary society will be explored. The business structure, culture and functions, which define how a business operates, will be discussed. The topics will be enriched with real world examples from relevant current events in business every week. Essential elements of management, organization, production, operations, marketing, accounting, finance, human resources management, business ethics and basic economic concepts will be introduced.
Core in Curriculum
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :153 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Consent :
Recommended for exchange students
Course Description
The course is intended to examine the three basic functions of Lodging Management: Rooms Division (Front Office & Housekeeping), Food & Beverage, Sales & Marketing. The course is also aimed at helping students acquire the basic skills necessary for the operations and other management analysis. Students will be introduced to the concepts and techniques of rooms sales, revenue budgeting, analysis of rooms sales and profit. In order to explain the real life of Lodging Management, we will invite professionals from the field and we will visit some of the hotels to examine operations.
Core in Curriculum
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :127 hour(s) + 30 minute(s)
Restriction :
Recommended for exchange students
Course Description
The aim of the course is to deliver the strategic and effective communication methods at all levels of managerial functions in the business environment. Students will improve “writing, presentation, interpersonal skills” as well as “team communnication skills”. Business ethiquette, and communication language will be introduced for an improved management communication background.
Core in Curriculum
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :153 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Prerequisite(s) :
Consent :
Recommended for exchange students
Course Description
The course aims at sharpening hands-on practice for hotel management track students at real lodging environments. Each week, operations at a different department of lodging facililites are introduced by conceptual and instructional notes and practiced at their relevant work stations.
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :153 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Consent :
Recommended for exchange students
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :153 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Restriction :
Consent :
Recommended for exchange students
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :153 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Restriction :
Consent :
Recommended for exchange students
Course Description
This theory course will introduce students to the fundamentals of professional cooking. Course content will include the food service industry, professional attributes, kitchen safety, tools and equipment identification, knife safety and cutting techniques, basic kitchen ratios, mise en place, moist and dry heat cooking, making stocks, egg cookery, dairy, introduction to vegetables and starches, introduction to meats, poultry, fish, and shellfish, and basic aromatic and flavoring combinations.
Core in Curriculum
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :153 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Restriction :
Recommended for exchange students
Course Description
This course is an introduction to the human resource management (HRM) function and related elements and activities to examine the role of the human resource professional as a strategic partner in managing today’s organizations. Key functions such as recruitment, selection, development, appraisal, retention, compensation, and labor relations are examined. Implications of legal and global environments are appraised and current issues such as diversity training, sexual harassment policies, and the rising cost of benefits are analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the modern day importance of HRM at the corporate level as well as the view of HRM from the perception of both management and subordinate employees.
Core in Curriculum
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :153 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Restriction :
Recommended for exchange students
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :153 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Consent :
Recommended for exchange students
Course Description
Food and beverage operations management within a hotel, pricing, inventory management, frenchising, commercial kitchen, sevice for hotel and private clups.
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :25 hour(s) + 30 minute(s)
Restriction :
Recommended for exchange students
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :153 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
ECTS Credits : | Offered semester : | Language :
Department :
Course work load :153 hour(s) + 0 minute(s)
Restriction :
Consent :
Recommended for exchange students
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